Saturday, May 30, 2009

Two Weeks Left

Sara and I are busy with the last minute details. We have a few more flowers to make and then start putting a schedule of events together for the days of the wedding celebration. I hope everyone has their travel plans in order. If anyone needs our help, please contact us or leave a comment. We are getting really excited for the big day and look forward to seeing you all there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings! Just a short note of the events about to take place. Thursday June 11 at aprroximatly 7:00pm EST, there will be a stag party in honor of my little brother Ed. Festivities will take place in the capitol city of Ottawa, ON. at the proper type batchelor establishments. Rides will be provided for those without transportation. All male friends and family of Ed and Sara are invited to attend this night of jocularity! Anyone that would like further information or a schedule of the evenings events, feel free to contact Steve @ 218-790-1567 :)